Blessing of the community of Father Peter Joseph Triest in Kibeho

On November 16, 2024, the newly built community in Kibeho, named after Father Peter Joseph Triest, was inaugurated and blessed in a solemn ceremony. The event brought together some sisters and postulants from the Vice-Province of Notre-Dame de Kibeho, Rwanda, the parish priest of Kibeho, two Palatine Sisters from a neighboring community, Brother Aristide (the architect), and a few friends.

At 5:30 p.m., His Excellency, Mgr. Célestin Hakizimana, Bishop of Gikongoro, presided over the inauguration and blessing. The ceremony began with the cutting of the ribbon by His Excellency and Sister Mary Paul Vadassery, Vice-Provincial Superior. Together, they opened the chapel door, inviting the congregation to enter in a joyous procession accompanied by dance steps.

After the procession, Bishop Hakizimana blessed the water and sprinkled the chapel walls. This was followed by an opening prayer and the liturgy of the word. In his homily, the bishop urged the assembly to nurture a living and practical faith, encouraging the community members to spend time in prayer and keep company with Jesus Christ in the tabernacle.

The ceremony continued with the blessing of the altar. Bishop Hakizimana sprinkled it with holy water, anointed it with holy oil, incensed it, and finally dressed it with an altar cloth. After communion, he blessed the tabernacle and placed the Blessed Sacrament inside, marking the culmination of the liturgical celebration. The congregation joined in singing a heartfelt song of thanksgiving to God.

At the conclusion of the Mass, Sister Mary Paul Vadassery introduced the guests and expressed her gratitude for their presence. His Excellency Mgr. Célestin Hakizimana then addressed the assembly, officially welcoming the SCJM community and the Congregation to the Diocese of Gikongoro and to Kibeho, the holy city of the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Word. The ceremony ended with a solemn blessing of all present.

Following the liturgical celebration, a fraternal meal was shared. During the meal, the Vice-Provincial Superior introduced the members of the new community and wished them a fruitful apostolate. She once again extended her gratitude to all who participated in the event. The meal concluded with a blessing by the Bishop of Gikongoro.

The next day, Sister Mary Paul Vadassery installed Sister Alice Ingabire as the local Superior of the new community in the presence of Sister Nisha Toppo and Sister Diane Niyomwungere.

Glory to God for His abundant love, which continues to bless and nurture the growth of our Vice-Province. We express our heartfelt gratitude to our General Government for their invaluable support in realizing one of our Vice-Province’s cherished dreams.

Sister Athanasie Mukangoga

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