CARITAS CHRISTI URGET NOS” (The love of Christ impels us - 2Cor. 5:14) was the theme of the Inauguration of the Sacred Heart International Community on November 4, 2022, which was to coincide with the SCJM Foundation Anniversary. It was indeed a remarkable and joyful occasion in the life and mission of SCJM in Legazpi, Philippines.

Prior to this great event, the community had their preparation: cleaning, decorating the chapel, house, dining hall, kitchen, making booklets, logo. The Sisters were helping each other and organized the event with full energy, joy, enthusiasm, and commitment. Sr. Deepthika Silva, General councilor, delegated by Sr. Lucy Jacob arrived on the 2nd of November 2022. Together the sisters were able to plan and arrange everything in a simple yet meaningful celebration.

On the 4th November 2022, the Holy Mass was celebrated, presided by Most. Rev. Bishop Joel Z. Baylon, D. D. (Bishop of Legazpi) at 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Sacred Heart Convent Chapel. Before the mass started, there was an introduction by Sr. Swarna Fernando. It gave a brief historical background of SCJM’s presence in Legazpi, Philippines, and the present context of its conversion into an international community. Sr. Deepthika Silva read the letter of Sr. Lucy Jacob Palliam Pallithura confirming the inauguration of the community and the membership namely; Sr. Swarna Fernando (Local Superior), Sr. Madelene Bibera Nueza, Sr. Anna Le Thi Thuy and Sr. Teresa Nguyen Thi Thuy.

Joining in the said event were the 3 Brothers of Charity and The Friends of Fr. Triest/Associates. The college scholars created a wonderful choir for the mass and the few donors and friends/partners in the mission graced the occasion. The highlight of the day was the AGAPE which everyone enjoyed the shared blessings and gift of each other. Before the departure, Sr. Deepthika gave a token of appreciation to Bishop Baylon on behalf of SCJM. A souvenir key tag with the symbol of the community was distributed to everyone.

Abiding in the spirit of “Cor Unum Anima Una” (One Heart One Soul), the Sacred Heart International Community sojourns together with all the SCJM in the world. In prayer and grateful response to God, may we be Christ on earth as Fr. Peter Joseph Triest confirmed to us all.


Sr. Anna Le Thi Thuy

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