Leadership at the general level

General Leadership: The Central Administration or the Generalate of the Congregation is based in Brussels, Belgium and is led by an International team of Sisters.

Sr. Lucy Jacob Palliampallithura
Superior General

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Members of the General Government

From left to right :
Sr. Suman Anima Toppo, Sr. Angélique Dikete, Sr. Lucy Jacob Palliampallithara - Superior General (Center), Sr. Béatrice Tshilemba, Sr. Mary Joseph Valiyankal.

Sr. Angélique Dikete
General Assistant
Sr. Béatrice Tshilemba
General Assistant
Sr. Suman Anima Toppo
General Assistant
Sr. Mary Joseph Valiyankal
General Assistant
Sr. Rosily Mathew
General Bursar
Sr. Kim-Chi Duong
General Secretary

News Update

News from the Generalate

Installation of the new leadership team of the Region of Mali

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