The Gothic-styled crest is coloured red and gold – red symbolising love and courage, and gold denoting faith and wisdom.
The upper section exhibits the wounded Heart of Jesus surmounted by his cross. These epitomise his love and self-giving.
Central to the crest is a golden band upon which are three red roses. These indicate the different fields in which our love finds expression: teaching, nursing and missions.
The lower section shows a lily surrounded by twelve stars symbolising the Virgin Mary and purity of life. Her name, incorporated in the title ‘Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary’, denotes our loving union with her.
At the base of the crest are the words Cor Unum Anima Una – One Heart and One Soul. (Acts 4:32)
These words express both the spiritual and apostolic ideals of our lives.
News from the Generalate
Installation of the new leadership team of the Region of Mali