Official recognition

On 22nd June 1804 there appeared a governmental decree laying down that no society could be set up without the Emperor’s permission and that this would be granted only after examination of its statutes. P.J. Triest attempted to affiliate his Sisters with the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in Paris, since the latter had already received this authorization and their aim was similar. His request was turned down. He was obliged, therefore, to draw up his own constitutions so as to obtain the necessary authorization. Consequently, the Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary remained an autonomous congregation with its own rule, which combined the spirituality of St. Vincent de Paul with that of St. Bernard of Clairvaux. The aim of the sisters was to unite the contemplative life to the exercise of charity. On 21 March 1805 they adopted the Cistercian dress: a white habit with a black scapular and veil. All was now set to obtain, in addition to Episcopal approval, governmental approval of the foundation.

News Update

News from the Generalate

Installation of the new leadership team of the Region of Mali

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